Projects / emss / Requirements

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You are here: Projects / emss / Requirements


[edit] List of Requirements

  • Safe-navigation within a simple room
  • Basic environment mapping skills
  • Basic localization using different data-sources and hardware
  • Protocol for third-party application tasks
  • Assembly of additional units

[edit] Concrete Goal

Create a basic environment map of obstacles and floor plan to the most accurate degree possible with the given hardware and data-sources while safely navigating and exploring the area, allowing third-party applications (such as [WPS]) to use the localization data for their own purposes.

[edit] Data Sources for Localization

  • Feedback from wheel servos
  • Emulated movement through space
  • Infra-red sensor
  • Pre-rendered floorplan of room structures without obstacles (hallways, rooms, doors, stairs)

[edit] Pre-requisits

  • The physical environment must contain only static obstacles. Moving objects will not be distinguished from static obstacles on the environment map, however the robot will attempt to avoid such collisions if possible.
  • Obstacles within the physcial environment must portray a certain degree of simplicity in structure. Complex and intricate structures, such as many chair-legs, cables and wiring, et cetera should not be present or blocked off.
  • The physical environment must be a closed off region. Doors to other areas must be closed off.

[edit] Test Environment

  • Second-floor of building 6 at HSR. Consists of hallways, stair-drops, doorways, corners, and some large obstacles. A live demonstration will be given of the robot's functionality in such a test environment.

[edit] Additional/Optional Features

  • Self-charging algorithm
  • Stable 'self-healing' map

[edit] Components/Tasks most likely needed for Requirements

  • Safe-navigation within a simple room
    • Collision detection
    • Drop detection
    • Core Controller and Core Task(s) for doing so
  • Basic environment mapping skills
    • Heat Map
    • Comparison with physical map for stabilizing
  • Basic localization using different data-sources
    •  !RawMovementTracker
    •  !EmulatedMovementTracker
    •  !CombinedMovementTracker
  • Protocol for third-party application tasks
    • Fingerprint navigation task
    • HTTPServer/UDPServer
    • Signals (shutdown etc...)
  • Assembly of additional units
    • Two more emss robots...
    • Chassis assembly
    • Charging station assembly
    • Chassis modifications