Emss v1.3 Release Notes

From emss Framework - iRobot Create C++ Framework

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=                               README                                 =

             emss iRobot Create framework


Copyright 2008-2009 Daniel Kruesi (Dan Krusi) and David Grob

The emms framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

The emms framework  is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this software. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

=                               Downloading                            =

When choosing which package to download please make sure to select the
correct file for your platform. The emss framework is built for Linux,
OSX, and Windows and labeled as "linux-x86.tar.gz", "osx-x86.zip", and
"win-x86.zip" in the package file names. Please note that 64-bit
versions are not distributed, however it is possible to compile such
versions by yourself using the source packages.

If you are unsure which package to choose, select the "Complete" package
(emssComplete-1.x-[linux|osx|win]-x86.[zip|tar.gz]), which contains all
the emss components.

If you have downloaded an incorrect package, or wish to retrieve the
latest version, please visit http://emssframework.sourceforge.net.

=                               Installation                           =

The emss framework does not require installation, only the
unzipping/untarring of the package to a directory. It is recommended to
unzip all the packages to the same directory (labeled here as <emss>),
as the zip/tar files are created in a way in order not to create unsafe

Note: When extracting multiple packages within the same version some
resources might be written twice to the same location (such as
libemssCore.a). These conflicts are safe to overwrite or ignore.

=                               Configuration                          =

The configuration for all the emss components are located in the
"<emss>/resources" directory under emssXXXXX.config files. These can be
edited with any text editor or within an interface such as
emssInterface. The default values should be sufficient for running any
component out-of-the-box.

=                               Running                                =

All emss binaries are located in the "<emss>/bin" directory. Each
executable component is named as "emssXXXXXX[.exe|.app|]", depending on
what the target OS is.

Running a application on Linux:

cd <emss>/bin

Running an application on OS X:

cd <emss>/bin
./ emssXXXXXX.app/MacOSX/emssXXXXX

Running on application on Windows:

cd <emss>/bin